5 Simple Ways to Introduce Montessori at Home
Montessori At Home |
The Montessori method of learning is becoming more and more popular and parents all over the world are wondering how to introduce it at home. Most of us parents either do not have the time nor the extra money each month to spend on Montessori school and apparatus. The good news is that it can be introduced at home on a budget!
Introducing strict Montessori educational methods at home can be tricky but the simplest way is to do so with Montessori inspired methods. It is very simple and you are probably already doing it!
The 5 simple ways:
1. Montessori Parenting Approach
Our role is to guide our children by following their lead and observing them. Montessori is based on helping our children to do things on their own and not offering unnecessary help. The key is is "teach me to do it on my own".
2. Freedom to explore
Childproofing your home gives your little one the power to roam and explore their surroundings without us yelling, saying "no" or telling them what to do. This enables them to truly discover a world free of restrictions and it enables them to learn as they go. They thrive on this!
3. Hands-on learning
Children learn much faster when they can manipulate things. This is why it is important to also limit screen time. You need to show them how to do it and let them explore for themselves.
4. Practical life skills
Providing the child with practical life skills are very important. This way they become independent quicker. This one is by far my favourite! This includes things such as setting the table, cutting fruit, folding clothes and getting dressed. All these activities have to be child-safe with a size adapted to them.
5. Prepared environment
If a child's environment is fully prepared, then they can carry out most activities on their own. This means that they have activities and experiences at the fingertips. For example, having a broom and dustpan to clean up after themselves (of course a mini one!). The goal if to have material adapted to the size of your child. This environment enables them to reach full learning potential.
So there you have it. As I said, you are probably already introducing it without even knowing it! If you would like more content like this you should sign up to my blog to get more tips. Visit my Etsy shop Budget Montessori for cheap Montessori printables to introduce at home.
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